Sunday 29 January 2012

Travels Through Time

I didn't really fancy the leap to Faraday in Chapter 4 today. Not because I don't like the subject matter, because I know I will find it extremely interesting once I get going. The historical aspect of this course is really fascinating (who did what and why did they do it?).

No, the reason I didn't move on to Chapter 4 is that I'm in the middle of reading 'Time Riders - Gates of Rome' by Alex Scarrow. It's the fifth book in the series about a group of kids who were snatched out of time minutes before their imminent death and taken to a lock-up under the Williamsburg Bridge in New York to work for a top-secret agency. There they repeat the 10th and 11th September 2001 over and over, watching for subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) changes which may indicate that someone has gone back in time and altered something.

I won't go into plot details, but the gist of each novel is that something has happened in the past which they have to go back in time to fix; aided by their tube grown, genetically engineered, super-human 'support units'. Whilst it is classed as a 'Young Adults' novel, I think Scarrow has a fantastic imagination which he is able to express through his writing in an engaging manner, without resorting to his characters swearing at the drop of a hat.

Now according to the Time Riders website, the book isn't due out until next Thursday, so maybe I've done a little time travelling myself...


  1. I've read allot of 'young adult' novels and sometimes they are written better than those for adults. This series looks interesting and right up my street. I may see if the 1st one is avail on kindle.

    1. I love Sci-Fi and I also love Historical novels so this series was ideal.
